Hawkeye's Horse!

John Hart as "Hawkeye" with his horse from "Hawkeye and The Last of the Mohicans"


Yes, there were plans to have Hawkeye ride a horse in the series but after an audition by most of the cast on horseback, the producer decided that there would not be a large contingent of horses in the series. Mr. Hart was kind enough to autograph this copy of the photo for me.

This is a scan of the photo that I found a while back. The back of the picture was dated 1959. If you spot one of these pictures, you better grab it, as even John was surprised to see this photo again. The copy I found is yellowed but the photo software available today took out most of the yellowing for this scan. The actual size of the photo is about 8 1/2" by 10" but was reduced in size here for a faster loading time.

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